Book Launch: Elmer Luchterhand “Einsame Wölfe und stabile Paare” Mauthausen-Studien (volume 11)
08.06.2018, 12:02 Uhr
"Einsame Wölfe und stabile Paare. Verhalten und Sozialordnung in den Häftlingsgesellschaften nationalsozialistischer Konzentrationslager" is the German translation of Prisoner Behavior and Social System in Nazi Concentration Camps, a PhD dissertation by the American sociologist Elmer Luchterhand, which was accepted in 1953. The publication of this edition, edited by Andreas Kranebitter and Christian Fleck means that an impressive proportion of Elmer Luchterhand’s hitherto unpublished work is now accessible to researchers.

The Mauthausen Memorial
invites you to a
Elmer Luchterhand
„Einsame Wölfe und stabile Paare“
Mauthausen-Studien (volume 11)
Wednesday 20 June 2018, 7pm
at: Depot
Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna
Stuart Freeman and Camilla Nielsen read from the interview transcripts, Linda Erker in conversation with the editors Andreas Kranebitter and Christian Fleck.
Free admission
Places limited. Please register in advance at:
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