Liberation Ceremonies at Mauthausen

Aerial view of the Liberation Ceremony 2015 (photo credits: Mauthausen Memorial / Stephan Matyus)Every year, between thousands of people from across Europe and overseas take part in a commemorative ceremony to mark the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its subcamps. The International Liberation Ceremony at the Mauthausen Memorial is organised by the Mauthausen Komitee Österreich (MKÖ) in close cooperation with the Österreichischen Lagergemeinschaft Mauthausen (ÖLM) and the Comité International de Mauthausen (CIM), and is supported by the Mauthausen Memorial.
As well as the liberation ceremony in Mauthausen, a number of commemorative events take place at the sites of former subcamps of the Mauthausen concentration camp.
As part of the annual commemorative activities, the Mauthausen Memorial is running guided tours of the ‘Bergkristall’ tunnel complex and the former Gusen II concentration camp. The tours are organised in cooperation with the Gedenkdienstkomitee Gusen, the town of St. Georgen/Gusen and the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG).
On the day of the International Liberation Ceremony, guided tours of the former Mauthausen concentration camp are offered free of charge in several languages.