Legal Info
Information in accordance with § 5 E-Commerce-Gesetz und § 24 Mediengesetz:
The Federal Institution under Public Law Mauthausen Memorial is based at Erinnerungsstraße 1, 4310 Mauthausen.
The management, as well as the collections and the specialist library of the federal institution KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen / Mauthausen Memorial are located at Argentinierstraße 13, Top 103+104
1040 Vienna, Tel: +43 1 376 3000-100
Responsible for the content:
KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen / Mauthausen Memorial
Legal form: Federal Institution under Public Law
Managing Director: Barbara Glück
Commercial Register: Handelsgericht Wien FN 465974 g
Supervisory authority: Federal Ministry of the Interior
The contents of this site are protected by copyright. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, publication, duplication and any form of commercial utilisation and transfer to third parties - also in part or in processed form - is prohibited without the owner’s agreement.
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All links to third party websites are provided as a service. Responsibility for the content of linked websites always rests with the respective providers or operators of such sites. The Mauthausen Memorial does not assume any liability for the content of external websites.
Webdesign & CMS:
WH-Interactive GmbH
Kulturerbe digital
600 archaeological objects from the collection were digitized in 2023/24 as part of the Kulturerbe Digital (“Cultural Heritage Digital”) initiative of the BMKOES, funded by the European Union/ Next Generation.