
GO THERE and REMEMBER | March to Gunskirchen

31.03.2025, 10:50 - 03.04.2025, 10:51 Uhr

Three-day walk to Gunskirchen | 31 March to 3 April 2025

GO THERE and REMEMBER | March to Gunskirchen
Source: Death March Memorial in Mauthausen, taken at Wiener Graben © Ruth Longodor, Mauthausen 2014.

2025 marks the 80th year of the many crimes committed during the period of National Socialism. Countless so-called ‘end-of-war crimes‘ had taken place until the concentration camps of the Mauthausen camp system were liberated at the beginning of May 1945. These include the infamous ‘death marches from Mauthausen/Gusen to Gunskirchen‘. During April 1945, thousands of Jewish people were marched from the tent camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp and from the Gusen concentration camp to a primitive barracks camp in Gunskirchen, more than 60 kilometers away. There, more than 20,000 were subjected to appalling conditions of detention. At least 5,000 to 6,000 did not survive. In the days and weeks that followed, countless people still died in nearby field hospitals as a result of their imprisonment. In memory of the victims the Mauthausen Memorial is organizing a three-day walk with many cooperation partners. During the walk, historical events will be discussed from different perspectives. Second and third generation family members (from Israel, Australia, the USA, ...) will share stories from their family history. Information, discussions and encounters during the walk are intended to promote exchange between the participants and intended to make the history of the Gunskirchen camp accessible to a wider public.

Please note the information sheets with detailed program schedule!
Information sheet English
Information sheet German

Please pre-register via:
Limited number of participants!

Further information:
Angelika Schlackl:

In cooperation with: