Opening of the touring exhibition 'Talking About It'
On 11 February 2016 the Mauthausen Memorial, together with _erinnern.at_ (BMBF), invited representatives from regional schools to a special event for teachers. This also marked the official opening of the touring exhibition Talking About It, which was on display in the Visitor Centre at the Mauthausen Memorial from 11 February to 4 March 2016.

This special event for teachers from regional schools opened with a presentation of the touring exhibition 'Talking About It' by the exhibition's curator, Maria Ecker-Angerer. The exhibition, which is based on the experiences of 14 people who witnessed the terror of the Nazi period, is aimed at young adults and is available to schools as an educational programme from 11 February to 4 March 2016.
The presentation also included teaching materials such as DVDs, online resources and school text books, which might be used in preparation for a visit to the Mauthausen Memorial, and an overview of the education programmes which can help to foster a critical examination of the Nazi era. In addition, Dr. Christian Angerer talked about the book 'Nationalsozialismus in Oberösterreich. Opfer. Täter. Gegner', co-written with Maria Ecker-Angerer. Following the presentation, the teachers were taken on a sample tour around the Mauthausen memorial site.
Among the participants were representatives from the New Middle Schools, the HBLA and the Lern- und Gedenkort Schloss Hartheim. The Mauthausen Memorial was represented by its director, Barbara Glück and its head of education, Mag.a Gudrun Blohberger.