“Bistro Mauthausen Memorial” wins the Human Right Prize awarded by the Province of Upper Austria

In March 2016, an integrative service company was opened at the Mauthausen Memorial, sending out a signal for more tolerance, inclusion and equal opportunities: the “Bistro Mauthausen Memorial” run by the organisation Diakoniewerk. Eight persons with disabilities work in this company and are provided an opportunity to contribute their individual abilities and to gather valuable experience in dealing with customers. They are highly motivated and together with professional catering specialists are looking after the physical well-being of visitors; through the daily interchange with customers and employees of the Mauthausen Memorial they are gaining multiple experiences in working life and in a social environment.
Almost one year after opening, the “Bistro Mauthausen Memorial” has become a permanent element of the Memorial operation. With the Bistro, the Mauthausen Memorial has gained a partner company helping to break down prejudices and barriers and to establish peaceful coexistence among people with and without disabilities. This partnership is also supported by Burghauptmannschaft Austria, which agency is currently providing generous subsidies for the purpose of expanding the Bistro’s premises and providing barrier-free access, so that in the near future, visitors of the Memorial can also be offered hot dishes.
The Province of Upper Austria has now awarded the Human Rights Prize 2016 to the “Bistro Mauthausen Memorial” for its commitment at the Mauthausen Memorial, a prize which is awarded to companies performing outstanding services towards protecting and asserting human rights. The team members of the Mauthausen Memorial welcome the decisions of the prize jury and wish to very much congratulate the “Bistro Mauthausen Memorial” on winning the prize.